iOS Release!

Bar Crawl: A Night to Forget is now available on the iOS App Store! You can check it out here:

Or if you have an Android, you can download it at:


Don’t forget to leave a rating telling us what you thought!

New Logo!

With just a few days left until release, we finally have our last art asset in the game! And it just happens to be one of the most important ones!

Our new logo:


More Art Assets!

We are nearing the final release of our game, and are on schedule to have all of the art in on time. The most recent additions are a beer mug refilling to signify how many turns you have left until you can drink it to clear the board again, and a visual indicator of how long you can hold/drag a tile before you automatically drop it.



This is a tentative version of the visual timer. Coloration may change after we test how it looks in-game.


We also added particle effects for killing enemies, sound for when punches make contact, and a particle effect for clearing the tiles.

HUGE Update!

We are nearing the end of Beta, which means our game will soon be both feature and art complete! Due to our late start, we will still be adding art until right before we have our final release build, but besides that, we will be going into polish mode for the next two weeks.

Since last time, we have added a fully functional options menu and three new tile sets for our bars. We have also added many small things like more animations and particle effects for some attacks. Additionally, we have finally updated the bottle-cap/tile sprites to be less noisy.



We are still working out display issues with various devices (Android and iOS), so the UI you see is only temporary, and will scale to fit those resolutions.

Finally, we now have a fully playable tutorial level so new players won’t need to read a lengthy paragraph about how to play!




Having finished our alpha with sprint 1, Bar Crawl has now moved into beta. This phase is mainly focused on bug fixes and implementing art assets, as well as polishing the game through user testing to make the game play experience more enjoyable. We are also looking into ways to make our game more friendly towards colorblind people, as a main part of it is based on matching colored tiles.

Our alpha build with instructions on how to set it up and play can be found here:

Functional Alpha Build

Getting Started

How to Play

Please keep in mind that this is a very early release, and a lot of art assets still need to be implemented including more/fixed animated sprites, improved bottle caps, menu icons, logo, and title. Additionally, we will be fixing all of the bugs present in this build before beta ends.

End of Sprint 1

Despite taking more time than expected to fix some bugs with the puzzle half of our game, we finished all of sprint 1 on schedule. This means we have finished our alpha build. Our game still has a few minor bugs, and needs polish, but all of the game mechanics have been implemented at this point.

A current snapshot of how our game looks now:


In the last week we have implemented animated sprites, a ranged enemy (no sprite yet), in game artwork, and sound effects/music. We also have a functional highscores screen, and the ability for the player to pause the game. Sprint 2 will be starting Wednesday and will focus on the visual appearance of the game and fixing minor bugs with the puzzle.




Week 1 Update


Our team is well into sprint 1. Already, we have implemented the puzzle, the game board, and their interactions. The main character (the Asian female) can move and attack based on how the player solves the puzzle. In addition, after the player does their turn, the enemies will make their moves and attack the player. We have already deployed to android and begun testing on different mobile resolutions. 


We are planning on having multiple bar types that the player will crawl through as the game progresses.

We will be redesigning the gem/tile assets to align more with less obtrusive art style. In addition, the player and enemy sprites are also going through a complete redesign. Finally, we should have floor, bar, and barroom related assets into the game by next week.